The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78263   Message #1404770
Posted By: John MacKenzie
10-Feb-05 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Charles to marry Camilla
Subject: RE: BS: Charles to marry Camilla
I've been mulling this thread over in my mind, and just had to come back again. Not only our Numpty guest but several other people have been very 'dog in the manger' about this. For fucks sake give them a break, he didn't choose to be who he is, any more than guest chose to be a wanker, it's an accident of birth. How anyone could begrudge someone a bit of happiness in the basis of their birth is curmudgeonly in the extreme. I as a Scot and a Scottish nationalist voter I obviously hold no brief for Charles or any of the royal family, but I wouldn't deny them or anybody else in this world a bit of happiness.