The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78263   Message #1404926
Posted By: GUEST,Ooh-Aah2
10-Feb-05 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Charles to marry Camilla
Subject: RE: BS: Charles to marry Camilla
Prince Charles is worth 20 anonymous guests. The old bollocks about him being insensitive and brainless should be instantly dispelled by his books about architecture and advocating organic farming - he shows an excellent intelligence, knowledge of history and environmental problems and the impact of insensitive planning on ordinary people. Even when he is wrong, as many people think he is on fox hunting, he has the guts to stick his neck out and cop the flak for what he believes in. This marriage is another instance of this.
I am a conditional constitutional monarchist, and if they get outrageous I will duly don my round tin helmet. In the meantime they are miles better than most alternatives and a useful focus for national unity. The jetting out of republican venom over a marriage is loathsome to behold.