The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1405345
Posted By: Rapparee
10-Feb-05 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
I am, myself, a flat taxer: set a rate, say 15%, for ever dollar earned over, say $10,000. No exemptions. And EVERYBODY pays: churches, the Red Cross, the guy with 12 kids, everyone. You make $20,000, you pay 15% on $10,000. You make $20,000,000, you pay 15% on $19,990,000.

It's a graduated tax and it's fair.

Not only that, but I think that it should be payable -- in cash if you wish but not in coin -- at any federally insured saving institution.