The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78301   Message #1405525
Posted By: Steve Parkes
11-Feb-05 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: Lynne Heraud & PatTurner 'Up North'
Subject: RE: Lynne Heraud & PatTurner 'Up North'
And having seen Lynne and Pat last night, I can only say "go and see them yourselves"! Brill or what? Witty, entertaining, and above all a joy to listen too. (Should I mention "smutty", Lynne? Maybe not -- you don't want to encourage the wrong sort ... do you?)

Seriously, I was enthralled by the perfection of their close harmony singing. Don't miss them.

PS No, it wasn't me who gave you the details on "I wanna banana"; I was the one the aunt who made Things for Thingummybobs. But I do have Mairzy Doats ... I must get some more tablets!