The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70368   Message #1405555
Posted By: Davetnova
11-Feb-05 - 04:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chocolate...
Subject: RE: BS: Chocolate...
In the early eighties ( back when life was good and we didn't have all theese new fangled troubles) I came across a little sweet shop in a side street in Edinburgh run by a very old Polish lady. Even the shop was dark brown inside and out. The light inside was minimal but if you persevered you would find her sitting behind the counter.
Anyway she sold Polish "Chocolate Covered Plums" (please no innuendo)
These were, quite simply the most delicious things I have ever tasted.
She retired, the shop is closed, I can no longer get them.
Does anyone know a supplier?
Oh god, now I've made my mouth water.