The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78263   Message #1405779
Posted By: John MacKenzie
11-Feb-05 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Charles to marry Camilla
Subject: RE: BS: Charles to marry Camilla
Dominie I don't understand your gnomic utterance. If you mean that as a Scottish nationalist I should not be defending the rights of a member of the royal family then you are wrong. Denying a person his human rights just because you disagree with his background, politics, religion, or colour is one of the biggest problems in this world. I don't hold with prejudice, and will defend anyone I see as being unfairly treated, no matter what faults they may or may not have.
For the record I find this Anglo-German-Greek royal family to be an irrelevance, but they do me no harm, and I can't think of a better alternative.