The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78314   Message #1405922
Posted By: Fibula Mattock
11-Feb-05 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Expensive hobbies
Subject: BS: Expensive hobbies
Why do they call it "free time" when it's anything but? I've just been adding up my hobby expenditure, and although I don't begrudge a penny of it (work hard, play harder, that's my motto), it does amount to rather a lot.

To whit:

Fiddling. Cost of fiddle, cost of lessons (when I find a new teacher), cost of pints in the pub, cost of strings, cost of earplugs for flatmate, etc;

Climbing: Bloody pricey rock boots, wall fees, travel to crags... even if you borrow/steal your mates' gear it's pricey;

Running: thought this'd be cheap cos I do it outdoors (as all archaeologists do, fnar fnar) but I had to fork out 80 quid for a decent pair of shoes;

Set dancing - just paid 36 quid for shoes to dance in (all my own normal shoes have rubber soles);

Poker - the set of chips alone were about 50 quid, and then at £5 per buy-in it soon adds up, even when I win (I'm currently breaking even);

Wine and beer - nuff said.

So, is there such a thing as a free hobby? And don't say sex, because there's always some hidden cost there too.