The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78209   Message #1406156
Posted By: Tweed
11-Feb-05 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: Feelin The Blues
Subject: RE: Feelin The Blues
EGAD!!!What's all this? Someone accusing me of running an interesting blues website? Unbelievable! It is a quagmire and the scourge of the internet! A ridiculous accumulation of terribly recorded songs and incredible lies. It is a miserable excuse for a blues site and assembled by a rabid, and drooling half-wit.

Amos, you should be ashamed for leading this poor woman astray and into that den of iniquity known as For god's sakes, Mz Azizi don't go under the porch. There are things living under there that are better off left.....undisturbed.
