The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3122   Message #1406523
Posted By: GUEST,milk monitor
11-Feb-05 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Fairytale of New York
Subject: RE: Fairytale of New York
Mick I can understand your disappointment then, but our expectations differ. Over here we don't go to hear Shane sing, we go to help him sing. And if that means a couple of thousand people belting out 'Boys from the County Hell', then so be it, and may the hairs on the back of my neck rise in admiration.

His gigs here are very interactive, if that makes sense? But you come away feeling as though you have all contributed to it. We all get to celebrate his words.

I can envisage that if he does have an untimely death, the tabloids will be dotted with his lyrics in various stories, and some people who have written him off as a worthless drunk will be surprised. I hesitate to say pleasantly, as he does seem to invoke negative feelings in some, maybe deep down we don't like to see pure, raw talent destroy itself.

I'll shut up now, cos I'm rambling. I just think he's one of todays true poetic figures.