The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1407799
Posted By: GUEST
12-Feb-05 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Sounds good to me..the catastrophic medical plan. I am it only 4% of the beneifts BUsh was talking about privatizing? If so, I can't see it is a huge deal. I vote for sliding benefits and I vote for a flat tax above a certain limit..or maybe two..10% between 20 and 40 k maybe and 20% above..

What I want is to quit giving ss cash to drug addicts and alcoholics. They should get shelter in a barracks of some sort, and they should get food, and $20 a month for toiletries but no cash period. They are not just destroying themselves, but the neighborhoods they live in, particularly the meth users.

And everyone has to quit jumping everyone else who talks about changing some social behaviors as blaming the victim. If someone has brain damage from a disease, it is blaming the victim to blame them. If they have brain damage from using illegal drugs, they are not the victim (oh of course you could argue they are in some ways) but the perps. Likewise if someone was raped and got pregnant, she is a victim. If she defied her parents, snuck out of the house to be wtih an abusive creep that got three other women pregnant the same year, she is not a victim (assuming normal intelligence etc.) but she is one of the perps. Don't let people get away with behavior that costs other people money, or endangers them, and all of a sudden you will have huge amounts of money available to take care of no-fault problems in society. mg