The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15604   Message #140790
Posted By: DonMeixner
25-Nov-99 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: From Pills to Purge Melancholy
Subject: RE: From Pills to Purge Melancholy
Driving south on I-81 from the frozen north, (Canada) there is a road sign that announces the exit for "Theresa LaFargeville". I have long wondered who Ms laFargeville was and why she has an exit ramp named for her. The NYS Thruway has Rest stop named for "Junius Ponds" who, my best guess is, may have invented cold cream.

I have reread this tread several times and I am at a loss to see where the flames began. But then I started The Corries thread and many may remember how wild that one got for seemingly no reason.
