The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15579   Message #140834
Posted By: catspaw49
26-Nov-99 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chick/dude magnets
Subject: RE: BS: Chick/dude magnets
So much material, so little time...........I'm going to bed. But Jeri, those were two of the funniest lines I've read in weeks!!!!!!!No, three..three of the funniest lines. LMAOWROTF

And Don, she's right....I'm so pathetic..not ashamed, just pathetic. I think its part of the Mudcatter's Manual, in the section called "Simple Ass Rules We're All Stuck With Because Catspaw Lives by Them" in paragraph 3 it states my annoying compulsion to take some innocuous line and turn it into a truly stupid joke of limited humor and then proceed to beat it into the ground ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Jeri's clams and hooters, Kat's Faeries, Peter T. and the Waylon Heron, and then there is ol WW as addressed below.

Pansy Rue Bob WW Twidgett, MB---Epitaphs and band names??? Geeziz, I'll bet you were a Grateful Dead fan huh?

G'Night all........
