The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15424   Message #140969
Posted By: stupidbodhranplayerwhodoesn'tknowanybetter
26-Nov-99 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: I need a new band name...
Subject: RE: I need a new band name...
Some friends of mine who live in Montreal found another band going by the same name as them so they changed their name to "Nobody You Know". Also, there is the story of a banjo player turned electric guitarist who flipped through a dictionary and found the entry: recurring motif in European folktales in which a traveller comes upon a village who refuses to bury a man who died in debt. The hero spends his last penny to provide the corpse with a proper burial. The ghost of the corpse befriends the man anonymously and helps him to win a fortune, marry a princess, The ghost finally reveals himself. ANd thus was born th San fFrancisco band, the Grateful Dead. Check your dictionary, it can't hurt. Rich