The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77187   Message #1409785
Posted By: akenaton
14-Feb-05 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK worst robbery.PIRA?
Subject: RE: BS: UK worst robbery.PIRA?
I see NI slipping back into conflict again ,after the false dawn of the Good Friday Agreement.

The blame lies on the shoulders of the Irish and UK governments, and the loyalist people of NI.

Both governments are indicted of cowardice and the use of the NI situation to manipulate domestic voting.   Also in failing to recognise publically the historical wrongs which led to the supremist position of the loyalist section of the NI population.

The loyalists are wrong in expecting their priviliged position to be allow to continue.

The two factions are so polarised, that I believe all the expectations generated by the GFA were false, as the loyalists never wanted power sharing ,and the republicans never really believed that a united Ireland was achievable "democratically".

Like Iraq, it seems there must be more bloodletting before the sins of the fathers are finally cleansed...Ake.