The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78126   Message #1410499
Posted By: GUEST,Mark Dowding
15-Feb-05 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Easter Singaround with Indoor Camping
Subject: RE: Easter Singaround with Indoor Camping
Just to clarify what Chris Harvey and myself are doing - Both have us have been admirers of Harry Boardman's work over the years - Chris from the sixties and myself in the seventies and eighties. I was a resident at Harry's club for a few years in the early 80's. Harry died at the age of 57 in 1987 and the pair of us felt that the songs of the industrial North West that he brought to the attention of the country with LPs like "Deep Lancashire" and "Owdham Edge" were no longer being heard apart from one or two people such as myself and Sid Calderbank keeping them going. Chris and I decided that the time was right to have a revival of these songs and we set about recording a number of the songs that Harry sang on a CD - "A Mon Like Harry". I was doing the singing in a style similar to that of Harry and indeed the banjo I play is one of Harry's that I bought off him. The recording was done by Chris in a style similar to what you'd hear on the old Topic LPs. Last summer we performed a show/workshop similar to the one we've been asked to do at Easter at various festivals including Four Fools, Saddleworth and Fylde. The response we got was fantastic from either people who remembered the songs and Harry in his heyday or from people who had never heard them before but appreciated the historical aspect of them as opposed to the more comedic/music hall style of the Lancashire dialect songs that were being sung by various people and groups.
Chris and I are both looking forward to this Easter Sunday and we hope to see you there.
More details of Harry's work HERE
