The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44434   Message #141065
Posted By: lamarca
26-Nov-99 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: Pills to Purge Melancholy IN PRINT!
Subject: Pills to Purge Melancholy 2
I have located a recent reprint of Wit and Mirth; Pills to Purge Melancholy from Singing Tree Press or Folklore Associates (can't remember which, and I'm at work); and must find a fair price to offer for the set. Searches on-line at MX Bookfinder and show 2 of the 1719-20 editions floating around for $550+, but I don't think that's a fair price for the 1950's reprint. Any suggestions as to what I should offer for it?

And to all you other book piranhas out there, no, I'm not going to let this one go, so don't send me low-ball (or high-ball) price suggestions in hopes of scooping it from me - I just want to give the seller a fair price, instead of the $5/volume he was asking...