The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78421   Message #1411020
Posted By: skipy
15-Feb-05 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Broken heart
Subject: RE: BS: Broken heart
I've stayed out of this one! 21 years ago with my life at an all time low after two divorces for adultary - both times I was the innocent party! I felt that there was no future and nowhere to go, desperatley hurt, badly wounded, in trouble with my employers (the RAF). Depressed beyond belief, close to "ending it all"! I met someone, all these years on she is my soul mate, we have two fine sons to be proud of & I realise that I had to go though all that shit to get to where I am now.
Trust me there is future out there - I know.
Chin up, Skipy.