The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77529   Message #1412482
Posted By: Raggytash
16-Feb-05 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat - Sat 12 March 2005
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat - Sat 12 March
I've had replies off a great many people now, and space might be at a premium, I'd love to accomodate everyone, however the club has a specific capacity and my house only has so much room, and "is this real whisky" can only be played by a finite number of people. Well the latter part is not strictly true, I can always find TWO bottles to play it with.
If you are going to come to the do however, it would be really helpful to know in advance, for catering and bar staff

