The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15604   Message #141281
Posted By: Lesley N.
27-Nov-99 - 07:03 AM
Thread Name: From Pills to Purge Melancholy
Subject: RE: From Pills to Purge Melancholy
It isn't the BS/non-BS discussion that is my major issue of concern - it's the the manner in which discussions are increasingly held. If it were one person that would be easy to ignore, but it's not an aberration. It is not only becoming acceptable to be rude, it is becoming common enough for me to feel there is a shift in the cat's general tone. The reason I began to post at mudcat was because it WASN'T like newsgroups. The reason I stayed is because I felt it was a place that welcomed everyone, especially the new and the inexpert, encouraged their interest and participation, and nurtured their growth. I wanted to be part of that. Would that be how I characterize the cat now? Certainly not in comparison.

What can be done about it? Nothing. This is the internet. But allow me my melancholy.