The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15645   Message #141288
Posted By: Micca
27-Nov-99 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: ADD: If I Can't Sell It, I'll Keep Sittin' on It
Subject: RE: can't sell it...gonna sit on it
OK, he says, donning the idiots hat what the F*** is poke (or if you prefer 'spaw Polk) weed, is it one of these alleged vegetables like Cilantro that you transponders use or is it a "weed" as in "smokeable" or Jimson, as in "Native American hallucenogenic"( that would be a bastard of a salad!!!!)? From the posts so far it is hard to tell if its a real edible or slang for something entirely different, as asking for "a poke salad" here in the UK could get you a poke in the eye with the blunt end of someones hand.**BG** Thanks Mama T this has provided me with the odd wry grin on a cold November morning.