The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15579   Message #141319
Posted By: catspaw49
27-Nov-99 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chick/dude magnets
Subject: RE: BS: Chick/dude magnets
Yeah, you're right again Don. I can see where that year and half age difference would make you far more suitable. But you DO HEAR that creak on the stairs don't you?

And HEY!!! I do have clean bill of health.......Wait a minute...maybe I just have the bills...Yeah, that's it. But they are all nice and clean. I dust off the "unpaid" folder every week or so.

I'm thinking Squeaks is older since she has a hairy chest and all....had you considered that? And Pansy Rue Bob WW Twidgett, MB........well, I think Cleigh has a crush on her and maybe she has one on him. She DID send him a handmade, personalized, bubble-wrap cape which he's quite taken with. Then there is Cletus too. He ran 17 copies of WW's picture in the bubble wrap and has them stuck all over...the dashboard of his pick-up, next to his bed, on the door, etc....not to mention the one he had blown up and is now on the wall in his outhouse. Don't ask...I don't even want to think about it.
