The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15579   Message #141377
Posted By: WyoWoman
27-Nov-99 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chick/dude magnets
Subject: RE: BS: Chick/dude magnets
I may never be able to purge the image from my mind of me in my bubblewrap finest blown up large on Cletus' outhouse door. Try as I might ...

Well, this morning when I called my good friend, whom I'll call Cynthia, I was reminded of this whole chick magnet/what attracts women conversation. Cynthia is one of the other editors I work with and she is a brilliant, beautiful woman who has just turned 60. She's a wonderful writer, well-read, huge-hearted and nice to look at. The man she's been living with for four years now and is utterly devoted to is a truck driver whose dyslexia means that he can't read much more than highway signs, and he struggles with that. So he's not "literate," can't engage in swift repartee with her, doesn't share her interests. And yet, five minutes with the two of them together and there's absolutely no denying: she adores him. And vice versa.

What she says about him is simple, "He's the dearest man I've ever met." And he is. As kind as the day is long, generous and willing to go the extra mile for just about anyone. And although he isn't 'book-smart,' he's people smart and his insights are always dead on. He's warm of heart and body, and he fulfills her as no one ever has. Partly because she has been a beautiful woman, she's attracted some real sumbitches in her day. She feels as though her life has finally worked out because she has this dear, sweet man to come home to.

SO ... for women who really know what's what, kindness and commitment to the relationship trump all the flashy stuff any day. Any day.

WyoWoman, who's still hoping her kind-heart shows up...