The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78514   Message #1414363
Posted By: The Shambles
18-Feb-05 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hunting banned in England/Wales
Subject: RE: BS: Hunting banned in England/Wales
Unfortunately, when it comes to a matter of Parliamentary time, it could be argued that they are mutually exclusive. There have been endless debates over hunting which have pre-empted time whch could be used for arguably more useful debate in the House of Commons, or legislation. I regret that this situation will probably continue, as just about every Conservative-launched debate or Private Member's Bill for the foreseeable future will attempt to repeal the ban.

With respect - I think not even when it comes to Paliamentary time. There is good work being undertaken even there to improve farming practice and animal tranport and many other things. Not enough and nothing on the scale of the hunting with dogs issue nor anything like the same publicity being given to it. But this is up to us to get our MPs moving on these issues.

But to be fair - most of this energy has rather been from a determined minority lobby who have been prepared to use anyone and every tactic - in order to resist moves against needless cruelty in sport. A sport that they should have ended themselves years ago.

That this political struggle for the right to inflict needless cruelty upon animals for pleasure - still even now continues to occupy so much time, money and energy - when there are so many other important issues to be addressed - demonstrates that this struggle is really about something else entirely. I feel that that concerns for these other issues being expressed by this lobby - are used just as another tactic and are as hollow as they sound.