The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1414581
Posted By: GUEST,Chief Chaos
18-Feb-05 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
As the sun set the sky glowed red in the west, shades of Uluru reaching across the horizon before Fresnelli. He stretched his wings through the twilight and launched out across the outback in pursuit of who or what he didn't know.

After a few miles in the heavy air Fresnelli began to tire. He landed in a tree beside the road to rest and think. Too many miles between us for a small bat to handle. Perhaps another shape. He'd heard that vampires could take on more than one shape. He'd read the books and seen the movies, call it research on the enemy. There must be some grain of truth to them.

A rat wouldn't be too far fetched. Pretty close to a bat really. But that would only complicate the traveling problem. A wolf! That would do it. A steady lope would cover many miles of outback. Fresnelli formed a picture of a wolf in his mind and began to concentrate on it. Long muzzle, silvery heavy fur (a bit inconvenient in these hot climes but that was the price), a long bushy tail...

A brief moment of pain and he was a wolf. Fresnelli looked at bent and looked at himself. In the moonlight he could see that his coat was not thick at all although the tail was right. The muzzle seemed a bit shorter than it should be. Fresnelli was left with only one conclusion. Something about dreamtime must affect supernatural abilities. He'd gone past the wolf in evolutionary form and landed on the somewhat more domesticated Dingo. "When in Rome", he thought and loped on off down the road.