The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #1414587
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
18-Feb-05 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
About four minutes after I posted that at work I received a call from the county sheriff--from my home--to tell me that I had been burgled. Both computers, a tv, other small electronics. Amazing, a neighbor spotted this, stood on her brakes, backed into the neighbor's driveway and got the license #. My cats are okay, and I wasn't home, so no home invasion. That's good. But everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is on my computer, little of it behind even a password. So I may be shit out of luck and fighting a credit and id battle for a while.

Here is the boilerplate message I sent to friends just now:

Amos has my email address, but I think he has one that is blocked. So ask Amos for my address if you want to write and don't mind that I won't see it right away--but instead of the stillyriversage part, use dwy5812syc@ Put that in front of the other part that Amos has and you can reach me.

This is the pits, by the way. Everything was backed up--but they got the backup drive. Little shits dropped and broke a perfectly good turntable, too. Cassette cases strewn on the floor like leaves on the strand (isn't that a poem or song?)

I'll recover, I'm mostly just pissed off at all of the lost papers (my book chapter, my thesis, several MS level papers) and photos and such.