The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1414606
Posted By: GUEST,Chief Chaos
18-Feb-05 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
MIles down the moonlit road Fresnelli loped along. In the night surrounding him he began to feel eyes upon him. From the fig trees he felt a glare of hatred follow him. From the side of the road a beautiful rainbow colored serpent gave him a knowing glance. The night was full of eyes and he began to worry and wish the he wasn't so alone.

Suddenly from the bush another dingo joined him on the road. Smaller than he but somehow faster, a laughing tongue hanging from her mouth as she swept past him. Teasingly she led him along just out of reach. Fresnelli forgot for the moment who he was, what he was, why he was even here. Without care he let go of the now and flew in pursuit of the temptress before him. The wind tore around him and the miles of moonlit road disappeared under his paws.

At the first hint of dawn the female dingo left the road and led Fresnelli to a burrow near a billibong. He marvelled for a moment for he had not thought this far and with the daybreak he surely would have been caught out and been consumed by the sunlight. In the darkness the female dingo turned and nuzzled him. It seemed that although the night was over there were other things yet to do.

As the twilight stole over the outback Fresnelli awoke, looking around for his companion only to find himslef once more alone. He yearned for her and was surprised that he should feel so powerfully for something, for someone he corrected himself, not even of his own species. He wandered out to the billibong looking for a drink only to see her face in the water. He looked up and around, glancing up to see the thin clouds high above. Just his imagination he thought.

As he was drinking he felt silvery laughter in his head.
"We shall meet again my handsome man, remember me, remember Yhi."