The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78584   Message #1414751
Posted By: fogie
19-Feb-05 - 05:04 AM
Thread Name: Review: favourite american klezmer recordings
Subject: Review: favourite american klezmer recordings
I saw "Burning Bush" in Ludlow last week end, I already had heard them on radio and CD, but it was one of the best music nights out I can remeber for a long time.
For those into this sort of thing, especially our American friends -are there favourite lists of CDs/ recordings that I should consider buying from the American bands such as Klezmatics, Klezmer Conservatory band, Andy S's orch ,and Brave Old World - it's just that they have so many CDs listed in amazon it would be nice to have some reccommendations. Have got the "rough guide" which is good, and the Itzac Pelman two cds which were my introduction to the idiom.
I was watching the BBC awards last night, and thought how hackneyed the British folk scene has become, and what a joy it is to hear a vibrant fusion of east and west played by high quality instrumentalists.
Two local UK Midlands bands perform to this sort of standard, and it is a shame they are not more widely heard, writing and playing complex tuneful music -I would commend both Hoover the dog and Parampera, for an introduction to music outside the usual fare.