The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78119   Message #1414762
Posted By: eoin o'buadhaigh-inactive
19-Feb-05 - 05:22 AM
Thread Name: portaferry gathering
Subject: RE: portaferry gathering
Peter I have started on the bellows, I usually make six at a time due to orders that come in, so I will be a couple of weeks as I said earlier. The bag takes no time at all to make, I have two main designs of bag that I usually work to, the traditional 'squarish' type (a copy of Willy Clancy's bag, so I'm led to believe) and a more roundish type that was designed by pipemaker Geoff Wooff. I must admit that I prefer Geoff's design, it takes slightly longer to make but the neck comes right round like a 'swan's neck' and doesn't cut of the air when using regulators etc. I haven't started your bag yet so if you have a preference you can let me know.
Do you know what type of wood your chanter is being made from, it's so that I can have the stocks made to match, please let me know as soon as you find out.
I received your letter yesterday and hope to deliver the book this weekend.
I will be in touch soon.
JackieB (eoin o'buadhaigh)