The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78500   Message #1414929
Posted By: MoorleyMan
19-Feb-05 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Gainsborough Folk Club 18th Feb 2004
Subject: RE: Gainsborough Folk Club 18th Feb 2004
Sorry I didn't make it on 18th, Sooz 'n' all (I was MC-ing a rare appearance by Robin Williamson in York, part of the Jorvik celebrations). Glad you're back in circulation Mike!
But I'm sure hoping to get across for me old matey Tom Lewis on 4th March. If you ain't seen Tom, then you're in for a real treat - one of the most charismatic performers I know: a hell of a presence, a fantastic singer with some really great songs.
Cheers m' dears!