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Thread #78580   Message #1415387
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Feb-05 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: Tech: New Computer & Peripherals--from scratch
Subject: RE: Tech: New Computer & Peripherals--from scratch
Mark, thanks. I was composing my post when a couple of others were added. I lost a lot of scholarly work and a lot of important emails that I should have printed as hard copies. From a deceased scholar friend, and his relatives and some colleagues, in particular. This is going to be difficult to do without. I'm also realizing all of the ways that important numbers, passwords, and accounts are in those files. How many other people kept those emails confirming passwords? I did. And they're there for whoever has the computer to discover. So I've been changing passwords today.

I went to CompUSA and I saw those HPs, Bill. I had an HP (one of the two stolen computers) and I can easily see getting another. But I'll look at what Dell has to offer. The HP setup is sweet for the kids, with their heightened interest in music and videos, but it should also work very well for me (ESPECIALLY because the plugs are ON THE FRONT!!! WHAT A CONCEPT! WHERE YOU CAN REACH THEM! Okay, raving is over. But geez, how long did it take them to figure out to put more than one or two USB plugs on the front?) Anyway, I will be ordering something soon.

Okay, Randy Cohen (the NPR ethicist) may not be a Mudcatter but here's a question: I previously spent over $5000 on the two computers and peripherals. It goes back over 5 years. I bought good quality equipment, though it was usual a step or two below the fastest, because the fastest always cost so much more. The HP was probably about $3400 before, then add on the monitor, printer, etc. The fastest HP I saw this evening was just the processor (and a wireless keyboard and mouse, but I don't like those so would get the ones I like) for $1500. My monitor was a 15" Dell LCD. Same as the kids' was. For what I spent a few years ago, the equipment is better and has come down in price so I could get a lot more for the money. Do you think insurance people are going to accept that if I have to bother to replace my equipment, I'm going to upgrade to what is available now, and not go back and buy more 15" monitors because that is the size I lost, or a computer that isn't quite as fast, because my computer was old and slow? I have "replacement cost" insurance once I meet my 1% deductible. Has anyone else had to deal with this? They won't have to spend nearly as much, even if I go for top-flight features, as I paid when I bought these computers years ago.   

As an aside, I have to repair the door that was kicked in. I don't want to put it back "as it was," I want to prevent this from happening again. So it looks to be in my and the insurance company's best interest if I reinforce my door. So while I'm talking about upgrading computers, I'm also going to be discussing whether to replace the door and jamb, or repair the jamb, keep the old door, but buy and install a heavy-duty security door.

So many things to juggle, along with the credit stuff. Insight from anyone else who has already trod this path is welcome!