The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1415550
Posted By: Bobert
20-Feb-05 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
I have no blind hatred of George Bush but can honestly say that I have *sighted* hatred for just about all of his policies. Everywhere I look I see policies that serve only the wealthy. Poverty is on the rise in every state in the union. The poverty rate in my state is up 2 pervcentage points to 16.5% over 14.7% when Bush hyjacked the 2000 election.

"No Child Left Behind" is a good example. On the surface it sounds good but when you strip off the sugar coating what you find underneath is a badly *underfunded* program that is shifting funding back on the local governments as schoool are having to bail out of the program. Bush said it would take $27B for the program to work and then wrote checks like a man with no arms to fund it.

Yeah, you pick a policy, hub-ster and I'll show you what lies not too far beneath the Bush PR crap. Okay, take energy. Who wrote that policy? Do you know? Probably not. Why? Because the White House is invoking "Executive Priveledge" tp ptotect Dick Cheney from having to make public just who it was who wrote the policy but if you look at the profits the oil companies are making now verses 5 years ago I think you'll get some idea of who was involved.

I mean, we could go program by program, policy by policy, hubby and we'll find that it's the corporate fat cats who are not only writting most of the legislation but the ones who are benefiting. I don't like thieves and thats why I have "sighted hatred" of Bush's policies. SocialSecurity being just the next robbery.

And Clinton wasn't much better. Less radical than Bush but still probably the *purist Repuiblican* since Richard Nixon...
