The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78514   Message #1415589
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
20-Feb-05 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hunting banned in England/Wales
Subject: RE: BS: Hunting banned in England/Wales
Guest Milk Monitor:

I read the article you linked to, and could find no basis for your claim "if what is reported in above link is true. The people on the hunts were very clear about their intentions to flout the law"

One quote: The Countryside Alliance called on hunt supporters to meet as normal, but vowed they would stay within the law.

Another: Mike Hobday, from the league[against cruel sports], said video evidence of the law being broken was to be passed onto police.

"Our evidence suggests that most hunts did operate within the law, many meeting and promptly going home and others peacefully exercising their hounds or drag hunting.

"However, we have received reports of what we believe is clearly illegal activity by a number of hunts across Britain."

Are you hoping people will accept your assertions without reading the article?
