The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78634   Message #1417686
Posted By: GUEST
22-Feb-05 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Hunter S. Thompson (21 Feb 05)
Subject: RE: Obit: Hunter S. Thompson (21 Feb 05)
Off topic in a thread about a man who has committed suicide? How so?

McGrath, as usual, keeps mistaking his opinions for facts.

Suicide is only "always negative" if that is what your belief system tells you. Apparently, McGrath believes that, so he claims we all should accept his beliefs as facts too.

What a crock.

The guy was a lunatic, and he had a good, decent, brilliant writing streak which lasted as long as a lot of writers' do. Everything he wrote wasn't brilliant, a lot of what got published (his novels in particular) was pure drivel, except for his groupie initiates into his personality cult.

Anyone who claims that everything ever written by a person is sheer brilliance doesn't know jack about writing. Or at least can't distinguish between quality and inferior writing.

Sure, HST was fun to read. Had some good insights. Did well when he wrote about sports and politics. Beyond that, not much to impress. His drug addled writing in desperate need of an editor who didn't fear for his life working with him, is some of his worst.