The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78684   Message #1417785
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
22-Feb-05 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: When It Doesn't Rhyme
Subject: When It Doesn't Rhyme
I've been working on a song, and ended up with a verse where noe of the lines rhyme. Actually, I had an earlier version of the verse that did rhyme, but I didn't like what it said. So, given the two choices (there are probably others, admittedly) I chose the verse that didn't rhyme:

   He will bring mercy to the forsaken
   He will bring comfort to those who mourn
   To the afflicted, he will bring healing
   And to the weary, he will bring rest

Sometimes, it's alright if a line doesn't rhyme.

Many, many years ago I wrote a song Get Down Home. The chorus is:

You'd better get down home, and find out where you went wrong
It's been such a long, long time since you went away
And when you find yourself, you won't have to look for someone else
You know where to find me, I'll still be around

"Away" and "around" don't even graze a rhyme.

There are wonderful traditional songs that I've never tired of singing who find great humor in not making the rhyme you would expect.
The Lazy Farmer Boy avoids the rhyme pattern of the song for obvious reason:

   He went to the fields and he got there at last
   The grass and the weeds were up to his chin

"chin" doesn't rhyme with last, but everyone knows what does. Sometimes the last word of an obvious rhyme is left off, and the singer goes into the chorus..

"He lost his way and he went to ... Hopalong Peter where you goin'?

Sometimes it's alright not to rhyme. Got any examples? If you're a songwriter, share one with us.
