The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78661   Message #1417884
Posted By: George Papavgeris
22-Feb-05 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Anti-Christ Is Here Now!
Subject: RE: BS: The Anti-Christ Is Here Now!
Mike (GS),

I don't doubt for a moment the sincerity and honourable purpose of Dewey's post. Equally, no-one should doubt the sincerity of my first post on this thread - I honestly think he needs help.

I went through all the websites he suggested, and I found it poppycock. Please do the same and tell me your view. IMO this is nothing to do with Christianity. And anyway:

-the hate mongering white supremacists tell us the Anti-Christ is here, and he's black
-the hate mongering antisemitists tell us he's here, and he's circumcised
-the hate mongering Westboro Baptist Church tells he's here, and he is swedish and a gay-lover (see link earlier on this thread)
-at least one of the websites Dewey referred to us belongs to a company which is clearly in it for the money, scaremongering to sell their Emergency Protection Products.

And so on ad infinitum. We are bombarded daily with messages from people with all sorts of agendas, generally dressed up in grandiose terms, with the odd bit of Greek or Latin or Aramic thrown in for window-dressing (which I find particularly offensive because it looks like they treat me like a thicko). Which to believe? Surely they cannot all be right? Perhaps they are all wrong?

In the face of such confusion, most of us retreat to what our own religion teaches, and treat the rest with suspicion. And when we encounter someone who espouces such "unusual" beliefs, we consider them credulous and try to dissuade them.

So, Dewey was behaving honourably in honestly trying to pass the message and help save us. And we were just as honourably trying to save him - at first seriously, later with jibes, but all in order to make the same point:

The message he refers to is poppycock.
I will not entrust my soul to it.