The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68815   Message #1418018
Posted By: Bobert
22-Feb-05 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Origins of Liberal Thought
Subject: RE: BS: Origins of Liberal Thought
Funny how two folks can read a paragraph and come away with different *modern* interpretations...

Hubby sees it as meaning that the government should cut taxes and perhaps they should. Maybe we should privatize *everything*... Tolls to get out of yer driveway. Wants breathe the air today? 50 cents 'er you can by SmartBreathe for only $14.95 a day... Want flush yer toilet? Sorry, that will cost ya' 25 cents a flush but we will give you unlimited flushes fir just $19.95 a month. Just call 1-800-BMBGONE!!! And water? Private schools. Private water. Private, private, private... No public cops... No public roads... No public anything... Just private, private, private... This is hubby's *Dream America*... And since we're privatizing, hey why not privatize defense of the country... Heck, we've allready privatized elctions, which Tom Jefferson would be very disturbed over, but why stop here. Privatize governemnt itself... Well, we're certainly moving toward that with "shadow goverements" that the neocon radical have set up...

I'm not too sure, hubby, that Tom Jefferson would be too happy with the current crooks who have hyjacked the US governemnt...
