The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4136   Message #1420642
Posted By: GUEST,L in Scotland
25-Feb-05 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: ADD Versions: Eyes on the Prize / Hand on the Plow
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: eyes on the prize
just to add a further dimension. I'm British, born in england and brought up in Scotland, and I sing this song too (not professional!). My parents worked in social policy research at Bryn Mawr in the 1960s just before I was born and so I grew up with the Carnegie Hall LP by Pete Seeger.

at the moment a friend is in deepest of deep trouble and I found this site when I was looking for the complete lyrics to email to him.

The song grew out of the civil rights movement, but is a source of strength and inspiration even to people like me who are non-believers.

Besides, singing anything that you can belt out at full-pitch helps to make your mood improve so you feel more able and stronger. I hope my friend is going to sing this until he can see the prize more clearly and find his way out from his troubles.