The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78524   Message #1421722
Posted By: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River
26-Feb-05 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shane's Jail Diaries (BDiBR)
Subject: RE: BS: Shane's Jail Diaries (BDiBR)
Gnu, Man, I am so flippin' touched by yer, like, kind words, eh? I've got a flippin' tear in my eye. Do you listen to Ozzie Osbourne, man? You must. Cos you unnerstand what life is, eh?

Things been kinda same-old, same-old here. McTeel is still bein' nasty. He is a major bolthole. Snake says he is goin' to rip my liver out and eat it! He should flippin' live so long! He ain't seen my kung fu moves, man. I studied them Bruce Lee films fer years. If he flippin' touches me, I will have to, like, get serious, eh? I hope I don't flippin' have to get serious around here or there is gonna be, like, mayhem aroudn here, eh?

And then they might keep us in longer. I don't flippin' want that! I am on my best behaviour.

No sir. Not that it's bad here, but it could be better. I miss the nights at the Iron Horse real bad. I am writin' to ease the pain.