The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15862 Message #1422179
Posted By: John Minear
27-Feb-05 - 07:48 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Pretty Saro
Subject: RE: Info on Pretty Saro?
I meant to add that the latest version I know of Jean Ritchie's "Pretty Saro" is that by Elizbeth LaPrelle on her recent CD, RAIN AND SNOW (Old 97 wrecords #004), with a very nice fiddle drone in the background. Also, one of the finest versions of Jean's "Pretty Saro" that I know of was done by my friends Dick Harrington and Victoria Young on their album LOVER'S RETURN (Fiddletop Productions). The tune is the Ritchie tune but Vickie's harmony takes it a whole nother place. T.O.M.