The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78828   Message #1423119
Posted By: Amos
28-Feb-05 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: I Want to Be a Dictator!
Subject: RE: BS: I Want to Be a Dictator!
BeeDub, you should know that Babelfish is pathetically inept at nuance. For example, it cannot disitnguish between "far", meaning extremely, and "far" meaning a long way away. Your sentence reads "It is spoken (a long way away) too frequently in this place." Roughly.

Laura: You are treading a slippery slope telling boys not to play with themselves. I mean I can understand the desire, but the problem with laws designed hastily is they have unintended consequences. Some of which you would probably deem less desirable than the original problem, possibly, I guess. SOftly, softly, catchee monkey!! Consider the thoughtful self-restraint of the Founding Fathers; they imposed no moral requirements, out of respect for the individual.

Of course you could tell him you thought it was really gross -- that would handle it through sheer embarassment, and no law needed!! :D

Me, I would make a law against making laws that were about more than one subject, and which were of the wrong scale.

One law, one subject. Federal-scale mandates from Congress, everything else from the states and counties and civic units.