The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78863   Message #1423908
Posted By: Bobert
01-Mar-05 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Affirmative Action?
Subject: RE: BS: Affirmative Action?
I would have to agree with Greg that sports is not a fair analogy when talking about the merits of affirmative action.

Lets face it, the kids who are blessed with the size (mostly), talent and drive to become professional athletes do not mirror the population as a whole. Take football fir instance. In order to play the offensive line one must grow into 6'5", 330 pound person. If you take the population in general that is going to exclude just about ewveryone else. Sure, there are lots of obese folks out there and a few might be 6'5" but you'll find few folks who were blessed with the other attributes to allow them to be successfull as offensive linemen.

Basketball? About the same story. If yer 6'8" in the 9th grade, some coach is gonna grab you in the hall between classes and try to get you into a gym.

But the rest of the population? Different story. There are lots of folks perfectly capable of doing certain jobs and working in certain professions if given a chance to do so. Not every job requires the absolute best candidate. Might of fact, it has been my experience that a lot of the folks who hold down management positions ceratinly can't be the best or we're in big trouble...

So, if it is a given that our society may noe have the absolute best people in every job then, hey, why not do a little experiementing in "intergtation"??? Intergration is waht it is all about, isn't it?
I mean, once one gets beyond the morality issue of white men getting an unfair share of pie for thre last 270 some years here in what has become the US of A then the motive should be intergration.

When Lincoln (supposedly) freed the slaves, what really did the slave get? Well, absolutely nothing, except still working on Boss Hog's plantations, Jim Crow, lynchings, the KKK, seperate-but-equal crap and like...

Now if that's what folk's like hubby want to return to then they have a right to have that opinion but if we're going to take seriously the body of law, includuing the 14th Ammendment and the Civil Rights Act, which we enacted because the majority of folks felt that Jim Crow needed to be buried, then we're going to have to do some things to right the past wrongs.

Now, hub, just what are your thoughts on the 14th Ammendment and the Civil Rights Act? And Part B, if you will, what ideas do you have on reaching the goals that those two important laws outline?
