The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78863   Message #1424869
Posted By: Bobert
02-Mar-05 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Affirmative Action?
Subject: RE: BS: Affirmative Action?
Greg F,

While I usually find myself agreeing with you It think it is easier to bring knowledge to a man that to take the hate out of his heart. That's what I meant by the good news/bad news.

I think that most people are good people and if they just have the feacts can figure out right from wrong, But the problem as I see it, is that the badest of the bad people have usurped the power in thisa country and use disinformation as one of their tools to keep the good people divided and bickering while these bad people make off with the gold...

Affirmative Action is a good example. The Bad people ahve reduced a complicated program down to bumper sticker lenght arguemnts with one side saying "Level the Playing Field" and the other saying "It's Reverse Discrimination"... Too bad that the vast area in between doesn't get talked about but it would seem that the Boss Hog and the Bad People have manipulated our society in a manner where most folks are just too busy trying not to slip down the socio-economic ladder to have much time to actually spend much time holding these progtams up to the light...

One thing is for certain is that Boss Hog has in the last four years centralized power and that does not bode well for either serious discussion of Affirmarive Action or it's chances to survive...
