The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78909   Message #1424999
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Mar-05 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Paragraph Breaks
Subject: RE: BS: Paragraph Breaks
Well, tell yah what. Sorry to be school marmish about it, but for the sake of having people actually read what you're trying to say, a little attention to formatting can certainly help the readability of a post. Paragraph breaks (a blank line between paragraphs) and, if not strictly rigorous punctuation, at least reasonable use of capitals when they're called for (beginning of sentences, proper names, etc.).

It's damned frustrating to try to read a post that runs close to a full screen, but it's all one paragraph, with no capitals and practically no punctuation. Oftentimes I just skim posts like that or skip them entirely.

Sure, e. e. cummings didn't use capitals in his poems, but your post ain't a poem (usually), and you ain't e. e. cummings. Okay?

Don Firth