The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78909   Message #1425071
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Mar-05 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Paragraph Breaks
Subject: RE: BS: Paragraph Breaks
Beautifully illustrated, Bill.

To those inclined to be sloppy in typing their posts:

Other than e. e. cummings' poetry, I know of only one other writer of note who didn't use capitals or punctuation:   


But he was the soul of a verse libre bard reincarnated in the body of a cockroach, and had to type by climbing up on the frame of Don Marquis's typewriter and diving head first at the letter he wanted to type. Since it was impossible for him to hold down the shift key and type a letter at the same time, he had a good reason for not using capitals. Also, to save labor (and cut down on aspirin consumption), archy eschewed punctuation. But he did dive at the space bar to seperate his phrases and clauses, so what he wanted to say was generally pretty clear.

So unless one is a very talented cockroach, there isn't much excuse for not using capitals and punctuation, other than ignorance and/or laziness.

Also, James Joyce was fairly successful at using a "stream of consciousness" style of writing (although there are those who would argue the point). All too often, those who try to write "stream of consciousness" manage to display little more than a tedious dribble of near comatosity.

If one actually wishes to communicate, one should make use of one's Strunk and White.

What!?? You don't even have a copy of Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White?

Well, that explains a lot!

Don Firth