The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78909   Message #1425114
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
02-Mar-05 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Paragraph Breaks
Subject: RE: BS: Paragraph Breaks
Rapaire, I don't want you to think I mean to impugn your style; you're generally very readable.

But I urge you (and everyone else) to get (if you don't have it) The
Elements of Style
, and to actually read it. It's "the Little book" (note cap), which pleasantly and easily sets out an approach to a readable and communicative writing style. Easy and entertaining reading, as I assess it, which illustrates and makes good sense out of good writing habits.

After forty years, I'm on my third battered and dogeared copy. And I've given away a number of copies as gifts.

Dave Oesterreich