The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77   Message #1425600
Posted By: John in Brisbane
03-Mar-05 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (Shakespeare)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (Shakespeare)
I am in the midst of producing a NWC for Mudcat for this song, using Barry Taylor's excellent MIDI rendition of the version written by Dr. Thomas Arne (1711-1748). There are many, many implied slurred notes in the melody - which the MIDI version cannot provide - and hence there are many more dots than syllables.

Could someone please direct me to an MP3 version which includes the vocals so that I have a better chance of aligning the vocals with the dots.

It's a marvellous song, completely new to me, and the two part vocals look like a real joy to sing. As a bonus the chords are easy enough for a relative novice to play.

Regards, John