The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78909   Message #1425895
Posted By: GUEST,Rapaire
03-Mar-05 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Paragraph Breaks
Subject: RE: BS: Paragraph Breaks
What WILL happen is this (pick one or more):

A d00d writes a grant application. It can neither be read nor understood. A very worthy cause goes unfunded.

A supervisor can't read a safety violation report, and someone is maimed or killed as a result.

Reports on a safety defect are unreadable and incomprehesible, so a dangerous product remains on the market. The resulting lawsuits bankrupt the company.

A CEO can't understand a proposal -- the company loses money and a young person, a bright young person, loses a job.

But here's a actual, real report from "the front."

My friend Mary is director of a law library in a Midwestern law school. As part of her job she teaches legal research. One student came to her and objected to the requirement that his report be in the format universally accepted by the US courts. Other*S* have objected that they need not learn to use print sources, because "it's all on the Internet." And so forth. Mary has been far. She's only flunked one kid out of law school this year, for he didn't turn in ANY assignments; his argument was that he was "too busy."