The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78466   Message #1426249
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Mar-05 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: why do we need religion
Subject: RE: BS: why do we need religion
You got it, Blissfully Ignorant. :-) People are the problem, not religion. Fearful people. Yet some of the finest people I have ever known have been numbered in the ranks of both the religious and those who are termed "atheists"...

I was amused by the comment that "atheism is NOT a religion; if it were, we'd be tax-exempt."

Ha! Funny! Well, the reason we have taxes, I'd say, is that MONEY is a religion. Right now, the worship and pursuit of money is the most powerful organized religion on the face of the Earth, basically dominating and running virtually every society in existence. That's why it says on American money: "In God We Trust"

The money IS the God being referred to in that case. :-) A few people are willing to lie, cheat, and kill for the God of heaven...millions are willing to do it for money! Just ask Al Capone about that. Ask any thief or mugger or arms manufacturer.

Money is a made-up thing. People created it. It's a totally artificial idea. To kill people over a completely artificial, made-up thing sounds like a very primitive religion to me...and primitive religions are usually quick to sanction violence.