The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1426356
Posted By: John Hardly
03-Mar-05 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Well, from one for whom there is little promise of seeing a "return" on my "investment" of 12% for the past 25 years, to one who has no risk of losing their monthly check, I say, well stated. Not much wiggle room there.

Of course you will still get yours. There is still me and 13 other mudcatters paying your monthly check. When I get to be your age, not only will I lack your wisdom (as I do now), I will lack 12 of those mudcatters joining in to pay for my check.

You needn't worry though, unless age-expectancy really skyrockets -- I mean, even more than it has since the inception of Social Security -- you won't be around to worry after me (as I'm sure you would) :^)

I'm actually for removing the cap. It is one of the biggest frauds government has foisted upon the middle class. Ever. I don't think that employment will then remain constant -- but I think we would survive (especially after the reflected adjustment DOWN was made in a FICA)...

...but I SO resent the Democratic response that currently ignores my plight. They tell me that I should be putting aside for my own retirement. They tell me that SOcial Security was never meant to be a retirement.

How do I put anything aside after 12% of my paltry potter's income has already gone toward what is not meant to be my retirement (it's yours apparently).