The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40606   Message #1426551
Posted By: Tradsinger
04-Mar-05 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: Double Entendre Anyone?
Subject: RE: Double Entendre Anyone?
She was only the perfumier's daughter, but she couldn't leave the eau de cologne (old d... alone)

English music hall songs:

Put a bit of treacle on my pudding, Mary-Ann
Up went my little umbrella
Oh Timothy let's have a look at it
I'll be up her way next week:

The landlady of my boarding house, she fair gets on my nut
She's got a smoky chimney and a blocked-up chimney pot
She went around the corner to see a sweep she knew
She said 'Mr Sweep, will you sweep my flue?'
And the sweep replied 'Not now, but
I'll be up your way next week, I'll be up your way next week
I'm so busy with the neighbour's flue
I've only got one brush, I can't sweep two
In this sweeping business, we're really rather busy, so to speak
I'd be happy as a thrush if I had another brush
I'll be up your way next week.'

It's a good song. I'll be at Miskin, so I may whip it out there.
